Category: Personal

  • Parenting & Radical Prioritization

    Parenting & Radical Prioritization

    Parenthood has been exhausting for me. It’s incredibly rewarding, but our baby had a lot work through and adjust to this world. He cried A LOT and needed constant comforting…

  • The Great Disconnect

    The Great Disconnect

    There’s a particular ache that comes with recognizing the distance between the world we dream of and the one we currently inhabit. I feel it most acutely in those quiet moments when I catch myself longing for the spontaneous drop-ins of my childhood, the shared meals that happened without planning, the natural rhythm of lives…

  • White People Don’t Exist

    White People Don’t Exist

    There was always something that felt wrong about checking the “White” box on forms, something that made my stomach tighten when people casually grouped me into that category. For years, I couldn’t articulate why – I just knew it felt like a betrayal, though of what exactly, I wasn’t sure. As a child obsessed with…

  • Tapestry of Identity

    Tapestry of Identity

    I am Kiowa. I am Scotch-Irish. I am Swedish, and German, and Polish, and Italian. These aren’t just labels or percentages on a DNA test – they are threads in the rich tapestry of who I am. Each strand carries stories of survival, of migration, of love and loss, of dreams passed down through generations.…